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please tell me you didn’t listen to a word he just said. 


@sorcered ,      i’m aware.  i don’t see why you worry yourself over it.  [he tells her with a reassuring hand to her shoulder,  tucking it back to his side after a second or so.]


[ she might have believed him had she not noticed the blush and gojo hadn’t been so smug as he walked away from the pair. when she found him later, she might murder him ]    it was all nonsense,  you know how he is.    [ the blush on her own cheeks deepening with each word spoken nervously ]  


@sorcered ,   you know that i don’t register anything that comes out of that man’s mouth.  [except for the fact that it had registered,  that much was evident with the way his cheeks were dusted over with a pink tint]


we were going to bring you breakfast in bed.. 


@sorcered ,   “yes!  he’s gonna be super hungry like me!”  [yuuji exclaims as he picks out the chocolates from his pancakes.]  i don’t doubt they’ve already fed him,  but we’ll save him a few just in case.  [he says,  reaching over and taking suki’s hand in her own.]   what time is mrs. fushiguro bringing megumi over?  [yuuji grins excitedly at the subject of his friend being brought up]  “i’m gonna beat him in smash bros,  but he says that he’s gonna beat me.”


seems as though i’m outnumbered.   [ though she couldn’t mind, grinning as she too began eating her food, occasionally pausing to cut small pieces for yuuji on his plate ]     i’m glad you like them,  my love.  they’re not nearly as perfect like when you make them but at least they taste good.     [ and thank god they didn’t accidentally burn down the kitchen in the process ]    choso should be getting dropped off from his sleepover soon.  should we save some pancakes for him? 


@sorcered ,      [giggles emit from the pink haired child,  clutching the spot where she’d poked.]  “lying is bad, mommy.”  [kento nods his head in agreement to his sons words]  that’s right,  yuuji,  lying is bad.  [going to the dining room,  he sits yuuji in his “big boy” chair before taking a seat besides him]   thank you,  darling,  everything looks delicious.   and thank you too.  [his second thank you directed towards yuuji,  he ruffles the boys hair before digging into the food.]   tastes wonderful.


you have the prettiest face,  have you ever realized that? 


[ looking up at him from where she still sat in the car, she was dumbstruck for a few seconds. there was no hiding the blush on her cheeks as she recognized feelings she had for him when she was a teenager bubbling in her chest. ]     huh? … oh!    [ maybe she should’ve tried walking but the liquid courage running in her system had her extending her arms towards him ]    carry me please?


@sorcered ,       not always.  it’s a hard thing to be consistent. [at her words,  he sends her a look of quick disbelief.  grabbing ahold of the keys,  he leaves the car and moves over to help her out.]  can you stand?  or would it be easier to carry you?


hmmm you’ve always been so good at that sort of stuff.    [ her hand waves in the air, signaling at nothing but referring to the ‘stuff’. reaching into her purse, she pulls out her keys (surrounded by keychains) and hands it to him ]    i have no idea which one it is. 


what..  what the hell are you doing here? 


are you serious?    [ disbelief in her words and her features but she takes a deep breath in an effort to calm her bubbling emotions. just cause he was back didn’t meant things would ever return to how they were. ]    you know what—  whatever.  welcome back,  nanami.    [ if it were up to her, she’d send him away. but the shortage of sorcerers was painfully notable and he was incredibly skilled ]     


[the words sting,  their last conversation still fresh in his mind despite the amount of time that had passed.]  if you don’t mind,  i’d rather not rehash this conversation,  takao.  [he breathes out each word shamefully,  but he doesn’t want this to be how their first interaction since then goes.  just a continuation of two frightened kids.]


it’s just a little cut..  see?  i’ll be fine. 


you worry too much.   [ her breath and heartbeat finally returning to their normal rhythm as she pulls away from him slightly ]    let’s just get out of here, yeah?   i’m exhausted. 


@sorcered ,    i’m perfectly fine…  just…   [he releases a heavy breath, easing into her touch]   i’m glad you’re okay.


[ her hand moves to rest over his, the pad of her thumb gently brushing over his knuckles. she’d let him stay like this for however long he needed to, finding comfort and the ease of her fears in his touch as well ]    i will be.  don’t want another close call anytime soon.    [ she says while her other hand settles on the area where his shoulder met his neck ]    are / you / okay? 


shouldn’t you be getting some rest?  you just got back from your mission.. 


@sorcered ,   [listening intently to her words no matter how mundane,  he takes the mug from her hands.]   thank you,  you’re really too good to me.  [softly,  he blows on the tea to cool it down]


alright then.   [ she proceeds to give him a rundown of her day while she finishes preparing the tea just how he liked it. once done, she walks to where he stood and handed the mug to him ]     careful,  it’s hot. 


@sorcered ,    it isn’t boring to me.  [he doesn’t allow a second to pass between her words and his.]


leaving?  what do you mean you’re leaving? 


[ a slap to the face would’ve hurt less than the few words he managed to say before cutting himself off. the unspoken name seems to hang in the air between them and she forces herself to turn her back to him. ]    i wish you the best of luck,  nanami,  whatever it is you end up doing. 


@sorcered ,    and so what if i am?!  do you think i want to end end up like hai—  [he covers his mouth quickly as he feels the bile rush up his throat, eyes going wide in realization.  he can’t even stomach saying his name anymore.  he really is a coward.]


[ tears finally stroll down her cheeks. she wants to reach out, hold him and beg him not to go because how could she handle both of her best friends being gone? but she stays still ]     better for who?  you’re running away,  like—  like a coward.    [ the words uncontrollably leaving her lips as she finally manages to step back from him ]    


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀geez..   someone’s in a bad mood.


@6THEYES ,     no thanks. i have plans of my own.


@workingover,              come on,   don’t be so cold!   i promise i’m not planning any schemes or whatever you call it..   let’s go get lunch!   


@6THEYES ,     the cause of it is standing right in front of me.  [sending satoru a pointed look,  he brushes past him]


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀come on,   give me a big ol’ hug! 


@6THEYES ,    i’m not giving you a hug.  i’ll put you on your ass if you try.


@workingover,              you’re such a debby downer,   nanami!   come on,   it’s just a hug.


⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀of course i’d help! what are GOOD friends for?


@6THEYES ,    really?  and it has nothing to do with fueling that huge ego of yours?  [finally,  his eyes wander over to his /co-worker/]  i’m fine,  you seem to know what you’re doing.


@workingover,              no need to thank me,   i just wanted to help you out of the goodness from my heart!      [    a hand goes to place itself against his chest,   a smile on his lips as he looks at the other,   adjusting the blind fold which settled over his eyes.    ]      but if you’d like to help me out,   i wouldn’t stop youuuu.


@6THEYES ,     [we’re not friend. it almost slips from his lips. but kento realizes starting up that argument is futile. he also doesn’t want to sound ungrateful, satoru did help him out after all. not that he’d asked, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t needed.]   mm.  [he hums gruffly as he unwraps the dirtied cloth from his hand, not sparing the white haired sorcerer a glance.]  i already thanked you,  i’m not doing it again.