
Hi everyone!! Short's here, I would like to thank you all for the follow, the reads, and the supportive comments you left in our works. And to share the joy and the fun I had here, I would like to send a Christmas card or postcard for 5 of you :) please go check @projectfandomunity for more info! 
          	Thank you :D


Hi, this is Tall and Tall really loves kpop fics haha so that's way Tall makes many fics in here and Tall has made LayHanOc fic, NCTDream fic, and BTSvelvet fic (Jungri) because I am exo, redvelvet, nct, and bts's trash xD don't be shy to drop some feedback and comment, love u guys all my readers.


Hi everyone!! Short's here, I'd like to thank all of you for the follows, read, vote and comment. It's always make me happy to see such kind of notifications. I just published my very own poem book, I hope you guys gonna like it. Thank you!! Have a lovely day Xx Short