
My ONC entry's first chapter is live!


Hi ONC participants! I'm late to the party because I couldn't find a prompt at first, haha.
          But I have my first chapter ready....will probably post it tomorrow. I can't wait to read your ONC entries as well. Keep writing!
          Ps: I suck at book covers. That's why my first chapter might come late


So happy to announce that LIVING THE DREAM is listed in ONC 2024 honorable mentions. 
          When I started writing it, I didn't think that it would make it all this way....but I'm so so happy that it did. Seeing it go through different milestones means so much to me.
          That's all. I'm just happy 


          With private messaging being removed by next week, its important to find ways how to keep in touch with your folks and writers you love. This is why you should join HEART &COMMUNITY discord server. 
          It's a brand new server created for us - both readers and writers - to keep in touch with each other, build more relationships and talk about wattpad-y things. Sounds like fun? You can join us today using the link:
          I'm an admin there; feel free to ask me anything once you land in the server. Can't wait to see ya.
          again. the link is:


Hi, me again. Here to remind you to screenshot and store important information in your PMs before 6th May. And look for alternative ways of communication with your folks.
          Talking about alternatives, there's a discord server my friends and I are setting up to keep in touch with y'all. I'm going to share the link here when I'm done with the 12 hours from now. its a community of wattpad users and you'll be able to invite all your friends for all the fun and PMs over there.
          stay safe


Hi there,
          On 6th May 2024, user-to-user wattpad messaging will not be a feature on Wattpad anymore, all your messages will be deleted but you will still be able to receive messages from wattpad affliated accounts.
          Seeing as though this feature only has two weeks left, take screenshots and store your important messages and find ways to continue communicating with your friends.
          As for me, if you need me,
          discord username: tukamushaba
          twitter / X username: loudstorytale
          Facebook username: Tukamushaba Allias
          Youtube channel: Author Pals
          stay safe

