I LIIIVVE!!! Sorry for all my followers if you were wondering where I was for the past few months. I've been having projects and to make things much worse, more family issues. I have been crap since one of my pets died and my own uncle calling me horrible things because of our different beliefs, but I feel better now.
I will start updating my stories soon.
( Still sorry for leaving)
I LIIIVVE!!! Sorry for all my followers if you were wondering where I was for the past few months. I've been having projects and to make things much worse, more family issues. I have been crap since one of my pets died and my own uncle calling me horrible things because of our different beliefs, but I feel better now.
I will start updating my stories soon.
( Still sorry for leaving)
i got some requests. can you do: here are my suggestions:
dory gets sick,
hank carries a sleepy dory home after their date,
dory hiccups in her sleep,
dory falls asleep during hide and seek,
and dory having a bad night terror and hank comforts her?
@Soul_Ink found it in Twitter. But the the Twitter and the account was in Japanese. And I have a hard time finding them again. Once I find it, I will tell you.
Hey guess who's back!!!!! New York was crazy! I had a blast there, But I have to come back home. I hope I didn't miss much. So I will get back into writing and taking requests. And Hi! again.
(Went to see Moana, Amazing! highly recommend)
Hi guys!!!
So today I have some news, I will not be updating this Thanksgiving weekend because I have to go to a vacation to visit my aunt in New York. Once I get back I will start writing again. So don't panic on where I am.
Hope you understand.
Thank you, and have a fantastic Thanksgiving!!!
Sorry guys for really not updating constantly.
I just recently got a fever and having massive headaches. Maybe I could update the stories this weekend but I don't know. I just really need some sleep. I needed to let you all know.
Just to let you know I'm going to make a Halloween drabble on "Always Deliver" first. Before I do a Jasper one that you guys recommend
Also happy Halloween