
Hey guys, I'm back in full swing and now trying to post regularly! Happy New Year!
          	Btw, inbox me if anyone's up to play any kind of video games/online chess on Sunday in the evenings (Vancouver time)!


Hey I can't find your book sinking hearts can you pls help me with it or give me it's link


@_anonymous_stalker_ Hi! I'm not sure if you'll see this now but I've actually unpublished that book from my profile because my writing style has changed (well - I hope evolved since then) so I'm hoping to edit the book and then publish it sometime down the road on Wattpad again (I'm looking at sometime this year) but in the meantime, I have a new story up if you want to check that out. This story will also have plenty of romance - which I imagine is what drew you to Sinking Hearts in the first place :) Cheers! And Happy New Year!


Hey guys sorry about the 2 week long wait but I sat down to write today but got kinda distracted with other guilty as charged haha...but i promise i'll be updating soon this week - either Friday or Saturday for sure. So hang in there :)


@fantasydemonwriter64 ooops! hahaha i see it now


@fantasydemonwriter64 hahaha they are mine too ;)


Hey pplies! I know I am supposed to update Sinking Hearts 2 this Friday but well....circumstances have been kinda unfavorable lets say. A big ass fight with parents over what I should do for my future and blah blah blah...I don't wanna bore u with details but well, my laptop and phone with all my writing notes have been taken away and yadi yadi yada...long story short, i dunno when i'll be getting them back, if I'll be getting them back at all that is so I don't think there will be updates for two weeks or so. Usually my fights with parents last like a few days but this one I feel like was pretty bad and yeah haha...well wish me luck! And I love y'all! Please be patient as the updates may not be biweekly like it used to be for a few days :) LOL pplies...(eww this was a long rambling post) hahaha