
At church and I'm so tired....-_-.... Didn't get home until 2am from the father/daughter purity ball. We left the dance at 9. Ate at Waffle House until 11. Then dad took me to the bar. It was a fun, i even had a smexy military man offer to buy me a drink. Hehe he looked good... Anyways had fun with the best dad around and I wouldn't change a thing. 


At church and I'm so tired....-_-.... Didn't get home until 2am from the father/daughter purity ball. We left the dance at 9. Ate at Waffle House until 11. Then dad took me to the bar. It was a fun, i even had a smexy military man offer to buy me a drink. Hehe he looked good... Anyways had fun with the best dad around and I wouldn't change a thing. 


Feeling horrible. I feel sick like I need to just rest, but that isn't why I feel horrible. I feel horrible because I have this thing for getting upset with online peoples drama.... It makes me just want to yell and scream.... I'm going on another purge to delete the people I'm following on social media.