I thought I should put this out there..
Suicide is not a joke, it's not to be taken lightly for attention. I think it's something we should all take a minute to think about. There are people right now feeling lonely, helpless, weak, and powerless to the grip of depression.. I can't stress this enough it is NOT a joke. I see people use it for attention or to show that they are deep people but it isn't anything to be laughed at, imagine not having a family, not having friends, and feeling completely alone.. imagine not even having God to turn to.. reach out to someone that you know is struggling and just ask if they are ok, just ask if they need anything. We can all do our part by not ignoring those who are showing signs of depression or suicidal thoughts/actions, please do not use this as a means of attention unless you truly struggle with it, we can't help those who need it if there's just as many people faking.
Take care of yourself and others
And to all those who have one.. keep your butterfly alive