
   Hey guys Elliott here, for a long time I’ve been struggling to get motivated to write fanfictions, I’ve been trying for years to keep up with it, but I realized I started to write them for other people, and not for myself. I’ve always seen writing as a way to escape reality, but there’s no escaping, just living it.
          	   While writing is still one of my biggest hobbies, and something I hold with me deeply, I’m proud to announce, that I am going to slowly start publishing my own works. 
          	   My first one being one action, one action is about a boy named Cayden Griffin, who struggles with his own life as Hannah Bay, his childhood bully makes it harder for him. 
          	   I understand if you unfollow as I took down all my fanfictions, I hope maybe someday in the future I’ll maybe pick them back up, but as of right now I hope you guys understand, and if you read it, I hope you enjoy one action.


   Hey guys Elliott here, for a long time I’ve been struggling to get motivated to write fanfictions, I’ve been trying for years to keep up with it, but I realized I started to write them for other people, and not for myself. I’ve always seen writing as a way to escape reality, but there’s no escaping, just living it.
             While writing is still one of my biggest hobbies, and something I hold with me deeply, I’m proud to announce, that I am going to slowly start publishing my own works. 
             My first one being one action, one action is about a boy named Cayden Griffin, who struggles with his own life as Hannah Bay, his childhood bully makes it harder for him. 
             I understand if you unfollow as I took down all my fanfictions, I hope maybe someday in the future I’ll maybe pick them back up, but as of right now I hope you guys understand, and if you read it, I hope you enjoy one action.


This summer has been long and rough wtf


I don't remember tbh. But this summer is sm better and I truly agree now  summer . I don't wanna return to school 


@wrbbler ok? I never said you didn’t have your own opinion I simply said school is worse than summer if you don’t relate then obviously it’s my opinion then I said what made your summer hell you never answered…


@FordaloveofEazy everyone has their own opinions and reasoning. 