
/  done  being  dramatic!!  feel  free to to  drop!!


this message may be offensive
having  said  all  that..  how  badly  did  i  fuck  this  up ?  


@teenidles-   |
            could  be  worse.  (  it’s  hard  to  say  in  what  ways.  he  frowns  at  his  little  sister,  shrugging  slightly.  )  seems  like  she’ll  forgive  you  ‘n  love  you  no  matter  what.  (  …  )  just  don’t  take  advantage  of  that.    


you  can  stay  here  for  a  few  days.   keep  an  eye  on  ellie,   help  me  in  the  neverending  battle  that  is  making  her  take  care  of  herself.   ( .. )    i  have  free  rooms,   is  what  i'm  saying.


MISS  THE  SMOKE,   @wreckdid :
            dewey.   {  the  interruption  is  firm  enough  to  give  way  to  exactly  what  gale's  about  to  say,   brows  lifted  as  though  to  ask  what  he  thinks  he's  doing.   }    i'm  asking  you  to  stay  here.    ( .. )    this  is  the  only  time  i'll  say  it,   but  i'm  not  feeling  my best.  neither  is  lou.   i ,,   i  need  you  here.


@stabreports-   |
            no,  no…  i  couldn’t  intrude.  (  he  wrinkles  his  nose,  awkwardly  shoving  his  hands  into  his  jacket  pocket.  )  y’got  enough  going  on,  even  without  me  in  the  picture.  i’ll  figure  something  out.  


going  up  a  few  stairs  won't  hurt  the  baby,   dewey.   have  some  faith.


MISS  THE  SMOKE,   @wreckdid :
            sweetheart,   the  guest  room  is  for  guests.   like  juliette,   who  is  also  heavily  pregnant.    {  no  true  exasperation  rests  behind  her  tone  as  she  settles  against  the  banister,   still  despite  her   (valid)   desire  to  go  up  to  their  room.   }    i'll  be  fine.   she'll  be  fine.   we'll  both  be  just  fine,   okay ?   you  can  even  walk  me  up  there.
            *    "he  might  as  well  be  the  one  carrying  this  baby"   i  see  you ,,


@stabreports-   |
            but  we  have  a  perfectly  good  guest  room  bed!  (  he’s  been  nesting  worse  than  gale;  he  might  as  well  be  the  one  carrying  this  baby.  )  i  do  have  faith  in  you.  just  not  these  steps.  


it's  endearing,   how  much  you  care  about  people.


MISS  THE  SMOKE,   @wreckdid :
            (endearing).    i'm  a  reporter,   deputy.    i  know  how  jaded  people  are.   you're  a  breath  of  fresh  air  in comparison.  {  the  reiteration  of  her  compliment  is  paired  with  a  gentle  hand  along  his  arm,   resting  on  his  jacket  as  she  looks  up  to  him.  }   and  what  did  i  say  before ?    please,   call  me  gale.


@stabreports-   |
            endearing,  or  pathetic.  (  he  glances  down  at  his  hands,  shrugging  slightly.  )  i  dunno,  ms.  weathers.  i  put  my  trust  in  too  many  people.  


you  need  to  talk  to  her,   dewey.    i  saw  you  in  the  hospital,   you'll  regret  it  if  you  don't.  


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@filmsstab-   |
            i  just…  i  don’t  know  how  to.  (  he’s  fucked  up  too  majorly  for  him  to  ever  want  gale  to  forgive  him.  it’s  easier  to  let  the  silence  fill  the  space  between  the  divorcees,  instead  of  allowing  himself  to  bare  his  soul  for  her  to  see.  )  it’s  been  too  long…  she’s  shown  she  moved  on,  anyways.


dew,   listen  to  me:  you're  stressing  yourself  out.   it's  gonna  be  fine,   yeah?


@filmsstab-   |
            you’ve  got  a  daughter  too,  you  know  that?  you  should  be  just  as  stressed  as  me.  (  he  runs  a  hand  through  his  hair,  sighing  out.  he  feels  like  a  madman,  mind  racing  with  the  millions  of  possibilities  of  what  could  happen  to  ellie.  )  i  don’t  know  how  this  keeps  happening.  


i'm  doing  okay,   daddy.    ( .. )    sorry  i  didn't  get  her.


WAKE  WITH  YOUR  MEMORY,  @wreckdid :
            but..   {  maddie.   the  name  catches  in  the  back  of  her  throat,   a  new  version  of  pain  that  she's  never  quite  felt  before  tearing  at  the  inside  of  her  throat.   it's  a  pain  that  pushes  her  to  press  into  her  father's  touch,   eyes  wide  and  seeking  some  sort  of  comfort.  }    who  was  it ?   the  bad  guy.   the  one  who  hurt  mama.
            *    never  apologize ,,   this  era  of  them  kills  me ,,


@ghostends-   |
            ‘s  not  your  fault,  baby.  (  he  rubs  his  thumb  against  ellie-marie’s  cheek,  smiling  sadly.  )  okay?  we  caught  the  bad  guy.  mama’s  okay  now,  too.
            /  sorry,   scream 4,,