
happy 8th anniversary undertale. i love you very much and you will always have a special place in my heart. have a good day everyone


my dad says my body language has become “aggressively masculine” (which made me grin bc OMG I ACT MASC IN A NOTICEABLE WAY?) but then he said that it wasn’t like comfortably masculine or something like that? that it was acting. it didn’t bother me a ton but im like wondering now. how do i act masculine in a nonaggressive way. my young nonbinary ass does not understand gender lmao. kinda wish he’d actually given me some advice if my “acting” is unnatural or whatever lol
          he latched onto when i said “acting” and maybe thats where it came from? i meant acting like behavior not acting like playing a role, but go off i guess.
          this is an entirely pointless post, feel free to ignore this even more than the usual nonsense ramblings lol


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@wren_the_enby fam, gender doesn't have a voice, your vibes are non-binary vibes because you are non-binary. Just take a few deep breathes and relax, dysphoria is just a dumb bitch and you're a lot smarter than it :>


bro do i talk like a girl? dysphoria is dumb but i swear i sound like a girl when i type. am i making it up? what gender vibes does my typing give off??? 


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going through my notifications is hell bc it takes me back to all the weird shit i used to read here lmao 


i kinda miss it though. i had a lot of fun, when i was younger. wattpad was super chill. cringe also isnt real so
            (i have to pretend i think cringe isnt real because if i admit it is i’ll cry)