Hello world! I'm supposed to be sleeping already but I took the grave mistake of drinking coffee past 7PM soooo, let me just share something that I'm grateful for the past few days (there are a lot but what I'm gonna share is something connected to this space).
Three days ago, a follower named @mariyahclaireee messaged me to let me know that she made a journal spread of some of the poetry I wrote. I don't receive a lot of messages from followers but whenever someone message me, or even comment on my posts, it warms my heart. And I'm truly grateful for each one of you who are taking your precious time to tell me how the words made you feel something or had encouraged you. I write to encourage myself first and when someone says they felt it too, I feel like we are hugging & telling each other that we are not alone. It's nice.
Anyway, totally got sidetracked, just wanna thank Mariyah Claire for writing me down her journal spread <3 I wanted to post the photo here, not bec I was a part of her journal, but bec she was so talented. Pero di pala pwede mag-attach ng image dito. So instead, if you are interested to support her art, you can visit her at fb.com/mclairelle :)
That's it! I'll try to sleep now lol.
P.S.: If you have been following and reading whatever I am writing down, thank you. This is me and the caffeine in my system virtually hugging you! It's a new week, I pray for the Lord's guidance for all of us. Good night!