@writeonwalls yo it took me a minute it try and understand your alien computer talk. On a sirus note how are you able to make the keys that arn't on the key board? Do you copy and paste from somewhere else or press something?
Ah see I was confused, I thought since we were on a writing site and are eligable to speak the modern language, I thought we had to use at least some sort of proper English... My bad :P
guys. ke-dollar sign-ha is KE$HA ya dumbfucks! and linkin' was meant to say likin', as in 'liking' as in 'being fond of' (t'was a typo) rey was right about the Y U=why are you
@petlover002 I considered that, but the only thing I could translate was "Y U" into "why you" which is ghetto for "why are you"
@BiotchesBeTrippin570 puh-lease 'splain yoself