
          	I’ve fallen in love with my new WIP (The Blackfin). Check it out and give me your thoughts. I’ve posted the first chapter and will be posting once a week. 
          	Thanks loves!
          	<3 Ro


I’m back!!!!
          Ahhhh!!! Life!!!! 
          I am so, so, so, so sorry for my inactivity. Life has been insane. But fear not, I am back! 
          Nate and Seketo’a have been bullying me to get back to writing (definition of mental abuse ;D)
          I shall do my very best to have an actual update for you all on Friday!! 
          *cheers and throws confetti*
          ~Ro <3


Happy Easter!!
          I am so sorry for my inactivity lately!
          I worked 40+ hours this week and on Monday I leave for Italy on a college trip (so unbelievably excited holy cow)!!
          Which sadly means I have had zero time to write D:
          I’m going to try to get some writing done on my flight but once I land my entire trip is booked solid. 
          Bear with me as I wrestle my hectic schedule!
          Thank you :)
          ~Ro <3