
The poem "Him," has been published!
          	Hope you're all having a wonderful weekend! ♡


Hello Everyone,
          I hope you're all doing well this week.
          Just a little notice of my new poem "Mirrors," out now in my poetry book, "Where Will I Go."
          It's been a joy writing again, especially in this new form.
          Let me know if you've checked it out, or any of the others, and what you think so far! 
          Looking forward to hearing from you,
          A ♡


Hello everyone,
          I'm slowly making my way back, I hope to have something ready for you this Friday, if not, by this weekend. 
          I've been really sick, tired, and exhausted but I'm getting better and I can finally write again.
          Thanks for sticking with me!
          A ♡


Hey everyone,
           Just coming on here to tell you all I'm taking a short hiatus with my writing.  There will not be an update this friday, but will continue starting on Friday, September 6th.    It's my last week with my children before they go back to school full time, so I'll be spending time with them! :) 
          Happy writing! 