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Lexi: * bang * bang* Grayson:" Lexi! Lexi! WHAT IS GOING ON ARE YOU OK?!" Lexi:" SHHHH there is a guy trying to break into my apartment." Grayson:" What is your apartment?" Lexi:" 208 second floor on 123 S Figueroa St, Los Angeles, CA 90012." Grayson: "I'm on my way stay calm and call the cops." Lexi:" OK please hurry The cops won't be here for 15 minutes." Grayson:" OK i'm almost there im coming up the stairs." Lexi:" OK." Then my phone dies SHIT. The door bursts open and it is not Grayson. Grayson's POV; I'm ruining down the hall to Lexis room and all of a sudden I hear the crisp sound of a gun shot and then .......... checkout chapter 5 if u have not yet ily bye