
I published the Conduit back!! Mainly so my friend can read it, so after she reads it I’ll probably draft it again! 


I’ve made the difficult decision to draft the Conduit for now. I’ve been feeling extremely unmotivated to write lately, and I know even if I did write one part I’d just become unmotivated again. Plus, I don’t want to have an incomplete story up. So, sorry if any of you all wanted to read the next part.


Ok so I haven’t written in a while (thanks school work and procrastination, love y’all. Not). But I’m gonna start writing more. I’ve also had writers block so maybe that contributes but idk excuses excuses. Anyway, I’m gonna start writing again tomorrow, and there should be an update soon.


Just so you all know I do plan on revising the earlier chapters to fit my style I use now (More than 1500 words, what seems like better writing in general). I’ll do it once I finish the Conduit. The content of the chapter should remain the same, just longer and maybe even more. Mimic and The Warlock will also get these revisions as well.


Also should I make gifs at the beginning like normal or see if I can include more gifs throughout the chapter? 
          If I put more throughout that means that more characters will be shown, and the visualization might be easier. 
          Just reply to this and let me know.