Hi, if you want to help me with a school project by filling out this questionnaire it would be great. It's about mafia romance. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScmhvnM6iUoAAaBK9OBTxdE8wr3sqcL_Iw435gGWsgBJ42piQ/viewform?usp=sf_link I deal with the role of women in mafia organizations. given that mafia romances were born recently and are very common here on wattpad, I wanted to know the readers' and writers point of view. otherwise I could give you my instagram also if you could send it to other authors or your readers it would be of great help to me. My deadline is May 24th , I aim to find at least 30 people. 19 people have already filled it in, I would really appreciate your help.