Hi Author! I dont know if youre ever going to read this, but im writing it out anyway haha
I just wanted to say that right now snot is running down my nose as I ugly cry infront of my phone after rereading the last chapter of this When it rains in Ocala. I think I first read this in high school? so about 10-11 years ago.
And even though I can't remember most of what happened in this book. I can never forget how it made me feel. Heck, I reread it because I remembered the book as it was raining. Cause throughout the years, I have never forgotten the last line.
"When it rains in Ocala, I think of you."
The ending was so sad and bittersweet.
Having someone that precious and amazing, a love you can only find once in a lifetime. God, I balled my eyes out.
Anyways, thank you for writing this. It really left an impact, it made me want to find a love like that, something that shakes your very being even when they're no longer around (thought Id rather avoid the dying part). I honestly thought this book got published or something.
Much love! hope this wasn't too weird coming from a complete stranger!