
@RosabellaR thank you! I've posted a status about the story already


Hello! Sorry about the other post I'm still new here and I haven't really mastered the tools in here yet. What I meant to say was "Hello! I've just started using this app and it really brings me to joy writing story's that I like. I also love reading people's story that expresses some of there personal feeling and what they like in stories. As some of you guys know I'm going to co-work with one of my friend name @RosabellaR . The story will be published really soon but each story will be on someone else's point of view. The first chapter will be published by me but that doesn't make mine any better so once my chapter is going to be publish in a few hours or a day or so @RosabellaR is going to be publishing her part of the story. I hope you like the stories I'm going to be making so far. Thank you! 


Hello! I've started to uses this app fairly often. As some of you guys know in co-working with one of my friends RosabellR 


@writergirl1011 will post her first chapter soon and I will start writing maybe next week. here's all the information we can give you right now: we are writing 2 stories. one on each of our profiles. The name of both books are called "The Road I Take" Stay tuned for more information which we will post to our profiles and you should see a new book popping up on our profiles