
new poem out now! one of my favourites I've ever written!


hey yall, I know its not you guys my followers who really do this but rather people who don't follow and just want clout but please don't promote your stories in my DMS, on my stories or on my conversation wall. I will delete it and i won't read it. LEAVE ME ALONE!


Lmao not to be rude but please don’t come on my fan-casts and just tell me that my cast on the character(s)is wrong. Be respectful about it. I work hard to try and find people for my fan-casts that fit the description and my view. 


@writergirl1255 totally agree with Shadow _Wonder


@writergirl1255 It's okay girl, haters will be haters.
            Just say 'i'll consider it' and then leave it.


HEY LOVIEZ IM BACKKKKKKKK! so some of you may have noticed your getting notifications for a book you don't recognize and that bc I revamped my short story poem book thingy. and it's called "from me to you" and im editing the works I have finishing ones I haven't finished and started new ones! if yall haven't checked it out pls do im working really hard on it AND would love it if you gave it a chance and bared through some of the cringier works! talk yall later my loves bai !


hey, my loves I have three new book playlists up for Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus + another for Divergent and another for the Selection and also you can check the first one I made which is for the hunger games! Happy Listening/Reading Loves!