
Lol I've been on here for TWO years now–


Lmao it’s alright, I get it it happens and lol I’m looking forward to it! 


@PinkLasagna_Cipher And then proceeded to discontinue it ;-;
          	  I'm sorry again- I'm starting a new one  jUST AS SOON AS MY EXAMS GET OVER GODS


Whaaa I think you’ve done pretty well. I mean, you hooked me on your book


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Okay I know it’s been awhile but hoping you’re doing alright. Honestly I sort of forgot exactly what happened with your writing/books so I’m just standing here knowing you mentioned something about it but having absolutely NO IDEA what the heck it is. Anyways, it doesn’t really bother me just wanted to mention how I’m pretty much floatin’ in the void 
          Anyways how school doing bro? Is life still an absolute dumpster fire full of spewing random bullshit to survive? I know it is for me! :D 
          Even more so rn but we don’t talk about that—
          But I really hope you’re doing well! Haven’t really heard from you in a while and I know it might just be because you’re busy or doing something else or whatever, but I am a little worried. 
          Really hope you’re doing well. 


@PinkLasagna_Cipher 'horrible pit of hell' is an understatement- Thank you so much!! Good luck on your upcoming exams as well, whenever they start.
            You can find me on there any time. If you want my discord id at any given time, feel free to ask. And thanks ^-^ !!
            Well, that's fair enough ig, but if you need someone to talk to, i'm always open- just want you to know i'm here if you need for absolutely anything. I'm glad to hear from you as well :)


@writerofberk_ Ah yes, school that horrible pit of hell. And I really wish you luck on those quarterly exams! 
            Yeah I kinda guessed that about your books but thanks for clearing it up! 
            Honestly I haven’t been on Insta in a while and I don’t have discord but it’s nice to know that I can always find you there. Awe thanks I think you’re pretty amazing too :) 
            I’m doing… okay… but thanks for asking! I’m glad to hear from you! 


@PinkLasagna_Cipher Well I've been logging into wattpad less and less nowadays, but i'm glad i did so today- I honestly missed you!! 
            My books, well- i guess i've lost all inspiration so I decided to discontinue them for good. School went from bad to worse, so i have VERY less time and consistency is unthinkable. I will admit, i'm thinking of writing my own book someday, gradually.
            School is, well. Pretty much what you described it to be. Even the bit where it is more so rn, cuz my quarterly exams are starting in three days lmao
            I'm not all that active on Wattpad, and I mostly flounder about on insta, so you can always find me there. I've been more active on discord lately tho, so you can always find me on there if you wanna! I hope you're doing good too, you are an awesome person and I did miss you (tbh i was a LIL afraid to reach out but moving on-)
            I'm touched that you're worried, it honestly feels nice ^-^
            I hope you're doing alright!


hey sis (its kary lol) hows life?


@writerofberk_ bro sameeee! ofc i hope u enjoy them <3


@KaryTaylorsVersion I've only just gotten into the fandom, but i love it sm
            Thanks for the fic!!


Lol I've been on here for TWO years now–


Lmao it’s alright, I get it it happens and lol I’m looking forward to it! 


@PinkLasagna_Cipher And then proceeded to discontinue it ;-;
            I'm sorry again- I'm starting a new one  jUST AS SOON AS MY EXAMS GET OVER GODS


Whaaa I think you’ve done pretty well. I mean, you hooked me on your book


Tfw when autocorrect changes rulers to Rhoades—
          So now it's, "The fate of a great kingdom rested in the hands of four Rhoades."


The funny thing is that there IS no word such as Rhoades, according to google at least. 
             Ig it does have a lotr vibe to it tho lol
            Thanks for pointing that out- you just inspired me again!


That actually sounds pretty interesting lol— (me not knowing what Rhoades means because at the moment my brain is refusing to function) 
            Reminds me of The Lord of the Rings for some reason


Hey guys! Just wanted to say I'll be taking down my books this weekend, but I'll be starting the new story I was talking about on New Year's. Thank you so much for sticking with me till now, I hope i do not disappoint with the new one!


Hello guys! It's been a long while now, I know, and I have some news– both good and bad.
          Firstly, the bad. This past year has been really hard. It started with personal family problems, carried onto losing a dear member of my family, and then school has not allowed me a break. In two months I will have to write a exam that my life literally depends on.
          I have very little time to spare for writing now, and though I have the inspiration, whenever I sit down to write, I get nothing. I just waste the time I have staring a blank page because I cannot find the words.
          This in turn has made me lose motivation to write my current stories. I'm sorry– I really am, but I can't waste my time struggling over a story that does not hold my attention anymore. I will be unpublishing them all permanently– maybe I might work on them again in the future, but that's not a resolve yet.
          So I shall be taking these three books down in a couple weeks. But, good news! I have a new plot idea that I have newfound motivation for– I'm eager, bcz this one involves a lot of research on interesting topics indeed. I'm certain you guys might enjoy it as well.
          I'll provide more info about the new book very soon. Thank you all for sticking through, regardless if my absence. I truly apologize for disappointing you.


@writerofberk_ XD dont worry i get ya perfectly xd
            and yes, take some time for yourself, its ok to grieve and its very important and its completely ok!!
            and no problem xd, you brightened my day with your message i was literally thinking of writing you smth when i was logging onto wp yesterday xd love ya sis <333


@writerofberk_ gm sis xd glad to hear youre doing better! and of course!! im always here <33


@XmadwritesrandomX Thanks for understanding Maddie- school has been kicking my ASS lol. Tbh writing, drawing and stuff is my idea of a mental break, which is why I'm starting anew, so writing these don't seem like a burden
            If I do feel absolutely terrible, you know I'll always talk!! Ilyt <3333


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Yo yo yo how you doing bud? I’m literally floating in  who knows where with nothing in my mind but stress, anxiety, and drawing with the cost of skipping homework and therefore causing more anxiety and stress but I’m not gonna stop because drawing is literally my only source of comfort and happiness right now— 
          But how are you doing? :)
          Haven’t heard anything or seen any notifications in a while and I’m wondering how you’re doing in this hell fire circle of life 
          Have I already called the circle of life Hell fire? I haven’t, right? Sorry my memory has not been the best lately— I heard bad memory comes with depression so that’s fucking great   :|
          Pretty sure I already asked that at least three times haha— I’m also pretty sure I’m losing my sane ness (is that a word?) haha weeeeeeee
          Hope you’re doing well and hope your tests (what’re they called?) went well :) 


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@PinkLasagna_Cipher That first para is literally me in one burnt out nutshell. That's not very comforting.
            I think you can get an answer to your question from my first para. I kinda flunked my quarterlies- not bad exactly, but I am very disappointed in myself. I've got a shit ton of homework again, but I'm coping.
            Yeah- my lack of communication... Though to be quite honest I am working on Sw :) Expect an update this weekend
            Okay the depression fact is concerning- both for you and me
            And no, you haven't called the circle of life Hell fire, and yes it is accurate asf
            I think the word you're looking for is sanity XD
            And as I've already answered, I could be better, but I'm coping. I think that's good enough for now.
            And enough about ME- what's your life been like? Has school gotten any easier?


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*screams in not having written for months together*
          *screams louder in oh shit my quarterlies start in four days*


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@PinkLasagna_Cipher I will once I finish my exams this Saturday :D
            Also I hope things go smoothly on your side as well. Remember that it's okay to just say fuck it to life and take some time off for yourself when convenient


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@writerofberk_ I have nothing to say except that I shed a tear because I’m so fucking tired :’) 
            And I hope you have a great week this week :)