
Dear Readers,
          	Welp...the not-so great news is that I was busy this past week so I didn't make it in time for the ONC deadline. I'm definitely disappointed, but I'll still finish the story within the next week or two.
          	Good news? First, I'm back. It's not like I went missing for a year, but it felt like it lol. Second, I just want to congratulate everyone that completed their ONC entry before the deadline. I wish each of you good luck and (at bare minimum) a place in the long list. Third, the ONC is coming to a close so...now I can pick up my other books and write for mini contests!
          	Thank you for supporting me through my ONC journey and I wish the best for everyone (regardless of whether or not you read it). Take care and stay safe!
          	♡ writers_cubby


@writers_cubby At least it gave you an amazing opportunity to write another book! I am excited for your other upddates, though


Dear Readers,
          Welp...the not-so great news is that I was busy this past week so I didn't make it in time for the ONC deadline. I'm definitely disappointed, but I'll still finish the story within the next week or two.
          Good news? First, I'm back. It's not like I went missing for a year, but it felt like it lol. Second, I just want to congratulate everyone that completed their ONC entry before the deadline. I wish each of you good luck and (at bare minimum) a place in the long list. Third, the ONC is coming to a close so...now I can pick up my other books and write for mini contests!
          Thank you for supporting me through my ONC journey and I wish the best for everyone (regardless of whether or not you read it). Take care and stay safe!
          ♡ writers_cubby


@writers_cubby At least it gave you an amazing opportunity to write another book! I am excited for your other upddates, though


Dear Readers,
          The results for the ONC Round 2 were published today and.....I made it! I'm so happy! I'm trying to get to 20,000 words but right now I'm somewhere around 14,000. Hopefully I can make it with two weeks left. (I swear writers block will be the end of me...) 
          Anyways, congrats to all of those that passed this round! For those who didn't, I  still want to congratulate you for making it past the first round. It's not easy writing stories, and I'm sure there's always room for improvement in all of us. That being said, you should try again next year and see how much you improve!
          Take care and stay safe!
          ♡ writers_cubby


@writers_cubby Yess let's both do it- together!


@UnexplainedShadows I'll try my best! Let's both make it to the final round!


@writers_cubby Very well said <3 I know you can do it--keep going!


Dear Readers,
          I forgot to announce this yesterday, but I released a few chapters to "Dysnomia Academy". Chapter 14, 15, and 16 are up. Also, I included a bonus chapter with the character profiles! Go check it out!
          Take care and stay safe!
          ♡ writers_cubby


Dear Readers,
          I have two things to announce. 
          First, I released chapter thirteen for "Dysnomia Academy".
          Second, I opened my own review shop! I've reviewed books in Meraki Writers, and I'm currently working on one in the Mystique Circle. I already have a couple requests, but those that are interested could use the link below to see what it's all about. There's three completed reviews in the book if you want to see a sample of my work.
          Take care and stay safe!
          ♡ writers_cubby