how do some of u get reads on ur book? i don’t wanna be one of those annoying people who advertise under peoples profiles all the time

@castielxdean thank u so much <333 i look lots up to you as a writer and i’m rlly grateful for ur advice!

I’d say patience is a virtue, it took awhile for me to build a solid reader base because there are so many stories to navigate on Wattpad. Tags are also super important!!! Try to use LOTS of tags (some popular and some unpopular) and usually for tags to work try to have a pretty consistent update schedule, with the ranking system on tags that’s how people find stories and people tend to gravitate towards stories that have plenty of chapters. And when you get more reads, your rank in the tags starts to go up and you get more readers. But for now I’d say just be patient, and write for your own enjoyment. The readers will come eventually!