Hi, loves! So sorry I haven't been on Wattpad lately since I finished Night Witch, but I thought I'd give you an update on what I've been doing lately in preparation for coming back soon!
What I've Been Up to Lately:
-Research! One of the last things I want to do is to disrespect Russian culture when I rewrite Night Witch. As I myself am not Russian, I have been relying on one of friends who is Russian and has hopes of a major in Russian history for book recs and the like. It's a slow process, but I think NW will be better because of it.
-Theatre! I'm currently stage managing, set designing, and doing publicity for my school's production of Romeo and Juliet, set in 1920s Chicago based off of . Yeah...there's a reason I'm never online anymore.
-Outlining! I'm currently working on developing my last Camp NaNo Project, which I may or may not post on Wattpad for feedback and thoughts. What I plan to do is, after I finish outlining, work on rearranging what I already have, and then continue to write from there. If any of you are interested I'll give you a synopsis sometime soon!
-Homework (notice the lack of exclamation point) Who knew sophomore year would get so tough?
-Planning for this year's NaNo! I'm hoping to rewrite Night Witch, because if I don't start now I'm scared I never will and will gets stuck into an outlining rut. I moght post it, might not...we'll see.
Annnnnd, that's it! I hope to be online more after this production ends (October 14th!) so fingers crossed I'll see you all then!