I was challnged by @AxelWolf to post 10-20 things about myself. Here goes 1. I do a TON of music. I take voice lessons, have played piano for eight years, and have played guitar for two or three. 2. I believe that people shouldn't post a lot of info on the internet, so all these are going to be vague 3. I write songs. They're pretty cool and don't sound half bad. :) 4. I have a ton of friends, but I always feel like an awkward loner on the bus. 5. I have been writing stories since I was five. 6. GINGER 7. I smile and laugh more than the average person. 8. I love musical theater. 9. I love Disney. 10. I'm in choir at school 11. I have two main friend groups and then a whole bunch of random friends. 12. I'm staring a picture of an ice cream cone right now. 13. I used to be shy and awkward and now I'm just confident and awkward. 14. I'm more confident singing in front of people than giving a speech. 15. I'm only taking one advanced class at my school so I can get a 4.0 gpa. 16. I already have my college picked out. 17. I haven't really decided what I want to be when I "grow up" yet. 18. I do a sport called racewalking. 19. I love my family and hate them too...like a lot of people. 20. I usually go my whole third period without saying a single word and only focusing on my math. It's like a fun puzzle for me, I have a love-hate relationship with it. Bonus fact! 21. I just finished a 20 facts about me list.