
Hello everybody! 
          	Here's the Italian staff speaking. As you may have noticed, this account is already temporary inactive since the beginning of summer. The reason is that it's under maintenance for a while, we are checking all contents and making new auditions for the staff. 
          	We hope to re-open as quickly as possible, stronger, harder, better than before. Keep believing in your ideals and stay united. 
          	We can do it!


Hello everybody! 
          Here's the Italian staff speaking. As you may have noticed, this account is already temporary inactive since the beginning of summer. The reason is that it's under maintenance for a while, we are checking all contents and making new auditions for the staff. 
          We hope to re-open as quickly as possible, stronger, harder, better than before. Keep believing in your ideals and stay united. 
          We can do it!


this is a direct copy of @projectwomanup. the original campaign belongs to @humorously


Then are you saying that all the campaigns around the world about gender equality are a copy of the first feminists movement? We said we were inspired by project woman up, (in our guide, if you have time to look at it). We do different things and we have our own contents, nothing was stolen form that account and we already spoken to the founder. Plus, there are a lot campaigns about feminism on Wattpad, we should join our strength, not fight against each other. That is not feminism, at all.


Hello everyone! 
          We just want to thanks @projectbrave to be our new affiliate!
          Go check their campaign. It's amazing!
          They want to encourage people to stand up and walk straight even if their life is not so easy; even if they have problem such as anxiety, panic attack, depression and emotional distress.
          We really like their idea and support them.
          You can read something more about them here: