Hey guys :) So.. i know it’s been a year since an update to the redo to MPS, and I know that some people have even paused reading it. So, I’m going to continue it. But as a writer who is always reading to try and get better, it’s hard reading your own stuff, and really hard trying to edit it. I see so many flaws and so many things I’d have hated as a reader throughout it, and I apologize. But I am going to do my best to finish the complete update up. So it reflects my writing a little better, and you get a better told story overall. Thanks for hanging in there.
And for the time being, I won’t be updating any of my other books. I think I’ve come to the realization that I will never be satisfied if I just go back and change things every time I feel I’ve become a better writer Enjoy them for the horrendous grammar and plot holed babies they are lol