ummm hi <3 So uhh I want to apologize for literally disappearing- My life has been eventful to say the least in both bad and great ways. I had a boyfriend!!! But we broke up it was tragic really rolls eyes* anyway with school,turning 17, being in junior year. My writing went on the back burner. I miss it tho so much. I miss the excitement in posting chapters while I read your comments. I miss making outlines and pinterest boards for the stories. I miss it all. Writing has been apart of me since I was little and I'm not letting go of that dream easily. I want this platform to be somewhere safe for u and me. I share my personal experiences through characters that you read. You see my thoughts in a way and I love to connect with you guys like that. Some of u are probably like damn it's just a fanfiction but to me it's so much more than that. It has become a sanctuary where I allow my thoughts to run wild. So with that being said! I will finish Soulmates. I am editing only you rn. I will continue timeless BAGAHHA 2 names...peter parker and andre garfield Also I have started a story from scratch- I want to make an account on insta account too but I'ma take it one at a time- Anyway I love you guys. -accioquillz

OHMYGOSHHH IM SONGLAD YOU’RE BACK I MISSED YOUU!! I can’t wait, I missed your writing soooo much you don’t even know girl

I’m glad you’re back and well! Can’t wait for the new projects and the continued onesss <3