HELP WANTED! Our account is currently searching for users who like editing, making graphics, and reviewing books. Check our admin book for the form and requirements!
Also we are of course here to help but helping while blind will only get us so far. We have no problem helping you guys with all things writing . But we could do a better job at it if we knew what you need help or advice for. It would make our self appointed jobs easier if you guys communicated much more.
Just a thought
A new quote is up its by far the most important and to me right now the answer to the question is unfortunately no . We have failed to create that society , that world. But it could happen let's just not hold our breath. - MJ
I just published " #10 (MJ) " of my story "Birds & Quotes".
My OCD is kicking my behind I'm pretty sure I change the account pictures more than anyone else . I really feel bad for the other admins. But I can't help it and I'm good at it. *shrugs* lol . A new quote and advice piece are coming soon -MJ