Chapter Four: Going through the divorce
Kristy's POV:
I wasn't really surprised when Sophie said it was her Dad that had given her the beer. It was reasons like this that we had gotten the divorce. It wasn't because he was an alcoholic or anything it was because he could never think clearly, he was an adult in a child's body. He was incapable of making decisions, or when he did they were always the wrong ones. We used to fight over this and he would say he was plenty capable of making decisions and that I just took to much control over him and made him feel pressured to say the right thing. And maybe that was true and maybe I was wrong. But it was too late now it's not as if we ever getting back together, we still don't talk to each other except for the occasional "hello" or "bye" when we exchange Sophie over from to house. But apart from that we live in two separate words, we communication is now a foreign word. And where love is a word that can not be heard again. And it will forever stay this way for the rest of my life.