@mismjm hahaha! As an avid book reader, I know that feeling well. I actually have another book I've written that I'm considering uploading, but I'm indecisive. Maybe I'll add too!
@mismjm oh my goodness this makes me so happy to read :) and I need someone like Carter in my life too, haha. I'm so glad that you're liking it! The next chapter should be up really soon, I'm almost finished with it!
@ktomas12345 I read the first part to Augustus's story, and I love that too! (Partially because I am a huge TFIOS fan XD) I voted for all of the chapters, because I don't want to forget later!
@ktomas12345 I read both parts to "Heart" and I'm loving it so far! I feel like there was an immediate connection to both characters, and I'm so anxious to hear more about her backstory!