
I think my muse is dead, and damn is that depressing as all hell.


Prepare yourselves for the possibility that I might mass-publish my current projects. My brain is a chaotic mess. I need multiple stories to work on to keep me moving forward. Plus, my life is in shambles atm so I might as well publish what I can while I can. 
          This doesn't mean I've given up on my already-released projects. Quite the opposite. I'm working on them as we speak. I just have other shiny things that have caught my attention that I'd like to share.
          Let me know what you're most looking forward to the most and I'll try to get that out sooner rather than later.


@ws04816 I love Devil's Joy, Damned If She Do and Mirror Me. Hopefully you'll get some time to post them. Can't wait for this book post.