- i'm alive and kickin! i just really needed a break from role-playing (and wattpad in general) because it got so stressful and i felt frustrated and uncreative. i focused on a few other things instead!
- speaking of role-playing! you might notice the roleplay books are down! there's a few things to note.
one: i fell out of fandoms for a bit and don't know if i want to roleplay them.
two: my rp books got very unorganized and i couldn't find anything.
three: i'm going to publish BRAND NEW books, so maybe i can get them looking fresher.
- as for the applyfic, it's temporarily being put on hiatus! i rushed that and didn't stop to think and plan. it was very unorganized. as for people who created characters and reserved roles, know that when i'm ready to continue, i will pm/tag you and give you the option if you're still interested. basically first dibs!
i missed you all and hopefully i'm a lot more active!