
@TheDowny As in a way to measure how much water someone can manipulate, also it is not good when I am dreaming that {dream text censored} But that brings me to another Q: Can they make water shock / become a capacitor / knock out someone without killing them? (Sorry I do not like it when some one, any one dies)   wwjdtd


@TheDowny As in a way to measure how much water someone can manipulate, also it is not good when I am dreaming that {dream text censored} But that brings me to another Q: Can they make water shock / become a capacitor / knock out someone without killing them? (Sorry I do not like it when some one, any one dies)   wwjdtd


@TheDowny I hope there were presents hidden somewhere in the house, otherwise I will brake down the fourth wall and put some in there myself :P well on to Q#???/???: do they have any ACE(tm) bandages in the medicine cabinet? also did anyone look/see inside the mountain for a cavern?


Fourth wall? Probably not. And yes they have Christmas, I see it as like an alternate earth. But I'll never give it a name I don't think. I want readers to fill in the blanks themselves, I want my readers to use their own imaginations in guessing where things happen. But anyway, thank you for the comment!