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          	please follow @bubbleteabucky


❝ one thing i have learnt this year is to live and live in the moment. life is tough, life is overwhelming and life is a struggle. a struggle to hold on. a constant battle of choosing between what it is and what it should be. this year, you found yourself in situations you never could've possibly imagined yourself to be in. you looked for yourself in everywhere you went and everyone you met. you thrived, you survived, you tried - even if barely. for the year, days, life to come, live. live in the moment. stay. breathe. it gets better. ❞


Hi! I just wanted to pop by and say thank you for following me! I really hope you enjoy my book if you get the chance to read it. It’s a contemporary romance called Just Press Send. If you ever want to chat please message me or comment on my book– I love to talk about reading or writing! Have a great rest of your day!


❝ how many of you didn't know certain things about yourself until you discovered them after spending a few hours with a new friend or going on holiday with your cousins? then suddenly you came across a trait you never knew you had. it's like you have to go through new experiences to know how you'd respond to them.
          you need to taste new food to find out what your favourite cuisine is. you need to press your feet into the sand and the ocean to remember how good it feels. you need to laugh at a few jokes before you learn more about your humour. you need to meet people, talk about life, philosophy and politics to know what your views on those matters truly are. you need to feel happiness like never before to realise what it means to you and how much you need it in your life.
          and you need to feel pain on the hands of people that you'll accept you don't need going forward. you need to fall head over heels in love with the wrong person to know what it's like when it's with the right. and sometimes you need to go through the darkest moments in your life so that when they pass - you realise that you want to truly welcome the light. ❞ 


          ┫┈┈ { You got a watty-mail from Nur}
          ₊❏❜ ☁️⋮ ❝ Just Because People being bad to you, doesn’t mean you should Sacrifice the same energy on them. Don’t go through that kind of effort. The best thing you can do is to completely ignore them and focus on what makes you better. It’s hard, but know that you deserve only good and positive vibes. You were not born to embrace and express negativity. Maybe the people around you might have brought that side out of you, but naturally you’re nothing like those people. You’re way better ❞  
          ꒰꒰  ❛ ❏ ミU r BETTER than u THINK  <3 and Im Proud of Ya sO KeeP going On!!


❝ it's just really scary how unpredictable people are. at one moment, they make you feel as if you're finally home and get you all comfortable and attached to them and the next they could be so brutally distant and harsh to you. that isn't everyone though. life has its own ways to teach us a lesson that is letting go of what doesn't want to stay. believe me what wants to stay will find a reason to, despite all odds. who wants to genuinely be with you will never abandon you. someone who doesn't wanna stay won't care how deeply you love them. it's a tough lesson to learn. i hope you let go knowing that the better is yet to come. stay strong. ❞