
nah nevermind i’m just abandoning my account xo


this message may be offensive
it’s hours past midnight and perhaps i am emotional but i have been watching some of the videos from peaceful. fucking. protests. where people are being beaten, temporarily blinded and deafened, shot in the face with rubber bullets point blank, and more. i watch these videos and i see the us government’s response, and i am terrified. truly terrified for the lives of thousands of innocent people /standing up for the lives of other innocent people/. 
          please, please, please stay safe if you are in any way involved. at any time, they may escalate to using lethal or permanently damaging force. protect yourself, protect one another.
          to those of you who hesitate to join in, who click exit before signing that petition, who find the blackouts futile. i am not trying to force your hand by speaking out, nor make anyone feel guilty in any way. all i ask is that you educate yourself. listen to these people’s stories. see what is happening. because in theory, i knew, but it was just another awful story in the news. watch them, see them, hear them.
          black. lives. matter.


this is so important !!


a heads up, imma not be on for a day or two. need a lil mental health break lmao i be stressin. i’ll still reply to one or two ppl, pls don’t take offense if thats not you. it’s just easier for me to reply to some than others. k byee ❤️ 


just realized one of my ocs acts like lowkey luke from pjo-  i-
          also sorry to those i didn’t reply to today (cougheveryone) i may have binged some (hours of) unusannus 


haha yeah. i was listening to “the campfire song” when i wrote this 


Is the OC from the fae rp? 


L o v e
          Love is not who you were expecting, 
          love is not who you can predict.
          Maybe love is in New York City, already asleep,
          and you are in California, wide awake.
          Maybe love is always in the wrong time zone.
          Maybe love is not ready for you. 
          Maybe you are not ready for love. 
          Maybe love just isn’t the marrying type. 
          Maybe the next time you see love is twenty years /after/ the divorce, 
          love is older now, 
          but just as beautiful as you remembered. 
          /Maybe love is only there for a month./
          Maybe love is there for every firework, 
          every birthday party, 
          every hospital visit. 
          Maybe love stays...
          maybe love can’t.
          Maybe love shouldn’t.
          Love arrives exactly when love is supposed to...
          and love leaves exactly when love must. 
          When love arrives, say, “Welcome. Make yourself comfortable.”
           If love leaves, ask her to leave the door open behind her. 
          Turn off the music, listen to the quiet, and whisper, 
          “Thank you...
          Thank you for stopping by.”
          ~ When Love Arrives