
"Blue lives matter" not only disregards the everyday struggles of blacks all over, but it ignored the simple fact that a 'blue life' is not something given to you by default. When off the clock, officers are no longer these "blue lives" some of you wish to defend so badly. Being black is permanent, it is a racial identity. You are judging and belittling a group of people that have no control over who they are, not that it should even matter. No one deserves what they have to go through on the daily. Blue lives don't matter because blue lives are not a population of people with the same racial identity that get stereotyped and slandered just for the color of their skin. Same thing with "All lives matter". We're not saying you don't have struggles of your own or that you are beyond privileged, we're saying that because of your skin, because of OUR skin, we are privileged. I am not white, but I am white passing. I HAVE PRIVILEGE, and so does my father and my siblings. My mother's a mixed (black/white) woman, but she is still black passing, therefore she doesn't have the same privilege as the rest of us. But her life matters just as much, George Floyd's life mattered just as much. All life does matter spiritually speaking, but not to the oppressive and racist U.S. we live in today. 


"Blue lives matter" not only disregards the everyday struggles of blacks all over, but it ignored the simple fact that a 'blue life' is not something given to you by default. When off the clock, officers are no longer these "blue lives" some of you wish to defend so badly. Being black is permanent, it is a racial identity. You are judging and belittling a group of people that have no control over who they are, not that it should even matter. No one deserves what they have to go through on the daily. Blue lives don't matter because blue lives are not a population of people with the same racial identity that get stereotyped and slandered just for the color of their skin. Same thing with "All lives matter". We're not saying you don't have struggles of your own or that you are beyond privileged, we're saying that because of your skin, because of OUR skin, we are privileged. I am not white, but I am white passing. I HAVE PRIVILEGE, and so does my father and my siblings. My mother's a mixed (black/white) woman, but she is still black passing, therefore she doesn't have the same privilege as the rest of us. But her life matters just as much, George Floyd's life mattered just as much. All life does matter spiritually speaking, but not to the oppressive and racist U.S. we live in today.