
Hey guys! It’s me! I’m BACK! For real, I am Back and I ain’t going nowhere! 


@wxthorns please keep writing I loved the first book and you will always have haters but you can't please everyone as long as your happy with your work that's all that matters ❤️  keep your head up and keep moving forward  


Also, i saw some comments that made me discourage to keep writing. The mafia’s daddies is completely controversial however, I was a kid back then who wrote this and now that I am 21 years old, it made me realize why on earth I would write that stuff.
          	  I was 15-16 years old and didn’t know any better, however I should! I should’ve known better..and I’m making this right. At some point, I will edit the entire story so it can be CONSIDERED APPROPRIATE. 
          	  Honestly, if I ever had the ability to go back on time and meet my old self who was writing this, I would smack her in the face. 


Testuję nowy format i… czy masz może ochotę na akcję „Czytanie za czytanie” i wzajemną wymianę uwag? Jeśli tak, to reaguję na każdą aktywność ^^ Jeśli chodzi o moją książkę to…
          Umiejętne manipulowanie drugim człowiekiem, to wykorzystywanie cudzych emocji, aby osiągać swoje cele bez względu na koszty. Problem w tym, że będąc w centrum takich sztuczek, zupełnie nie dostrzega się tego, że ktoś bawi się naszymi uczuciami i wskazuje, co i kiedy powinniśmy robić. To właśnie spotkało Idę. Teraz dziewczyna znalazła się w pułapce, z której nie potrafi uciec. Jest przekonana, że gdy tylko spróbuje to zrobić, jej oprawca dopadnie ją, dotkliwie skrzywdzi i odbierze życie. Do czego posunie się młoda dziewczyna, aby przetrwać?
          Rozdziałów jest 12. Jeśli zainteresuje Cię pierwszy, nie krępuj się sięgnąć po kolejne. Ku przestrodze. 


Hey guys! It’s me! I’m BACK! For real, I am Back and I ain’t going nowhere! 


@wxthorns please keep writing I loved the first book and you will always have haters but you can't please everyone as long as your happy with your work that's all that matters ❤️  keep your head up and keep moving forward  


Also, i saw some comments that made me discourage to keep writing. The mafia’s daddies is completely controversial however, I was a kid back then who wrote this and now that I am 21 years old, it made me realize why on earth I would write that stuff.
            I was 15-16 years old and didn’t know any better, however I should! I should’ve known better..and I’m making this right. At some point, I will edit the entire story so it can be CONSIDERED APPROPRIATE. 
            Honestly, if I ever had the ability to go back on time and meet my old self who was writing this, I would smack her in the face. 