@ManiIsCute101 YASS! Justin bieber is life!!
I honestly don't know what I would do without him! And I don't get why there's meanie haters in the world! Like, he never did anything to you, so you don't have a reason to hate him!! If people hate him because he "messed up" or made mistakes, well guys, he's HUMAN too! People do so much worse than him, but the whole world doesn't see what they do, so they don't have the whole freaking world judging them!! Justin is a really kind hearted person! He's so sweet and adorable! Just stop the hate guys. If he did something to u, which I DOUBT, then u can I guess, "hate" on him, but he didn't.. So grow up! #NoHateOnTheBiebs #BiebersGirlsEndHate