After a lot of consideration and doubt, I have taken the decision to no longer use Wattpad. I've been on this website for 4 wonderful years, but I feel that writing is no longer as much of a joy as it used to be. A big part of it is falling out of fandoms, or the readers of a certain fandom becoming toxic or hateful. Of course as a writer, criticism is necessary and in fact, appreciated. However, I feel like looking back on my writing, there is too much to fix in each and every one of my works. If I were to come back here for writing, it would be something of mine that is original, new and full of entirely new motivation. Thank you to those who have stuck with me over the years, and thank you to all those who continue to read and enjoy my works despite my absence. I wish you all the best, and hope you all keep safe and well. Farewell for now, KT x