this message may be offensive
Hi. Michael here. Can i say a thing? If you hate it when people hate on your ships- THEN DON'T HATE ON OTHER PEOPLES SHIPS.
Like seriously, it's one thing to have your own opinion on it. But at least be mature about it. It doesn't matter if someone ships incest or pedophilia. Don't hate on it. How about we just dislike a ship and leave it at that? Instead of trying to force that person to stop shipping it.
This message isn't for anyone in particular. I've just seen too much and have experienced too much ship hate. So please- if you dislike a ship, don't yell about it and don't attack people who ship it.
Like for example. Stancest. If someone writes a fic, or draws something that is Stancest. Don't be like "OH EWW. THAT'S FUCKING DISGUSTING. YOU'RE FUCKING DISGUSTING. EVERYONE AND ANYONE WHO SHIPS IT IS WRONG AND GROSS AND IT NEEDS TO FUCKING STop-" instead..YOU COULD JUST KEEP QUIET. and if people ask you your opinion on a ship, again, be MATURE about it. You make people feel bad.
Also- this was mainly a psa- I've only really seen it on instagram. Haven't seen it on here.
Have a lovely day everyone.
(And if you think this message was sent out to you, person who is reading this, it's not. Don't think that.)