Hi, do you take request for books?

@TamiBMarshall ahh okays I’ll definitely take a look and find it coz I really do like this idea to write in the future most definitely x

@ x14_kxx or it could also work with the avengers, just that she would be tony and James mother kid and instead she's a genius like Tony and she could also have beg tony help to save Reggie(the bashing would be the same including the rogues and yes a little of Natasha and mostly wanda)(yeah I like her but she make her errors and was a big part of tony making ultron and loking in the acords if I'm not wrong but tony get most of the burnt of things) and maybe just leave tony alone? Because as much as I love pepper who wouldn't like seen tony as a milf? And he gonna have his kiddies(harley, peter the Oc and reggie) you could include both the OC and from the beginning from the avengers making them be involve from been kids when she used to go for vacations by her dad

@ x14_kxx they actually have you just have to put percy jackson scripts and they will appear