
i wannaaaaaa get straight A's soooo bad but here i am ; passive and numb


Not @ you waiting for me to update latte ಠ ೧ ಠ idk if i should delete that story or what i sounds like some 13 y/o writings it's so fukin cliche bruh, I'm more focusing to yana+v btw like maybe i will write sequel of it but I'm too busy with all of my assignment DUH 


@ernagrey thats bcs of his name , Talha Kasyaf . rare makes my simping mode activated pLease GAHAHAHAHA  *ah sudah*


But bro fr how old are you to say that iM wAy MorE yOuNgEr tHaN yOu HAHAHA idc I make friends with all type of age, ain't pilih kasih but sometimes i do make jokes like I TERMAKE JOKES about seggs with my 15 y/o friends and she's traumatized she said cancelled me or sumthin but i know she's joking she ain't that innocent tho  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°


@ernagrey im sixteen<3 bet u dont know what-type-of-book on my wattpad i already read sheeesh JAILL BUT BESTIE LOOK LIKE I ALREADY FOUND MY MATCH *emotbatuepep*