Hey dear, I thoroughly read your stories and admire your works a lot. Can you please write an one shot on the episode 10?
What would have happened if EdSer spend the night together in one room in the mountain House, when Edser and Selin ferit went there for the iv. Serkan was so vulnerable in that episode and was anticipating to spend the time with Eda. But she disappointed him
Hey, so sorry for not replying, I just saw the message. I’m actually taking a bit of a break from writing because of uni and exams, but if I decide to start writing again, I will definitely give this a shot❤️
Hey, I know that it’s been long and that I owe you an explanation as to why I haven’t updated in some time. I recently moved to Istanbul and things have been really tough. I am not in a good mental state, not have I got any time to write. But I promise that as soon as things get better and I settle in, I will continue to write❤️
Take your time sweetheart! Please don't pressure yourself, your mental health is much more important! I hope that all your studies and moving shenanigans pass by easily, sending you lots of love, luck and wishes! ♥️
Hey guys,
I hope youre doing well. sorry for the delay but I am way too sick, I have a high fever due to food poisoning and Im not doing that great. Hope youre all well and having a great time. Sending love to everyone❤️!
Hello loves, I hope you're doing great❤️. I'm dealing with writer's block in my story "One more wish" and that's why I haven't updated. So in the meantime I decided to post some one shots "Hold me while you wait".
I can't wait for you all to read it❤️