
I would honestly like to continue all my stories and all, but I'm just to miserable to even begin to write.


Titulo: Locas Historias de Amor
          “Un grupo de amigos. 
          Una casa. 
          Cinco romances. 
          Mil locuras.”
          Siento molestarte, pero estoy arrancando con  esta historia y necesito lectores. 
          Ser escritora es mi gran sueño y alegrarias mi dia si le das una oportunidad. 
          Un beso y suerte. 
          /€ #(#(#/"?€([£=¥=¥[¥=¥=£[£[¥[£=£=£=


Hello, this is a message that I have been debating whether to post or not. I know probably no one will ever read this or won't care, but I'll write it anyway to get it off of my chest.
          Anyway, obviously my tastes have changed. From One Direction to All Time Low, 5SOS to My Chemical Romance. I still love them all, including Three Days Grace. But nothing is the same any more. One Direction isn't the same any more. I suppose I've grown up a lot in the last year. 
          I got depressed, everything seemed to crumble. I realized nothing is really how I thought it was. 
          I always was quite proud of my writing. When in reality, my English isn't all that good by itself, never mind my creative writing. 
          Anyway, to cut a long story short: I will most likely never write on here ever again (unless I continue Losing Luke, read on for more info). I will use this account to read probably. My works will remain for the moment, unless I delete this account. 
          What will happen with Losing Luke? I might re-write both that story and the first one in the series (GIDD) and shape it in a completely different way. I might not. I might base another story using its ideas. I don't know. But I am not saying I will not finish the story. I shall possibly continue writing it and post the last four chapters that were left only if I get a request to. If there is anyone curious, comment bellow, and I shall consider the possibility. I not, I will keep the ending and use it for another of the hundreds of stories that are in my head.
          I have been writing other stuff when I have the inspiration, but I won't be posting anything on Wattpad.
          However, you can still chat to me on here, I am always on and ready to hear whatever anyone has to say. 
          Thank you to everyone who ever supported me, who ever messaged me, commented, voted or read my stories. I will never forget this site and everything it had given and taught me. 
          Love, Hannah xx


Guys, I will be quite inactive for a while. I will update Losing Luke today or tomorrow, but from then on don't expect much. I have been too depressed lately to type or anything. I just feel awful. Not even Jalex or the keeks can make me smile. My mum thinks depression is cured by going out and having fun. As if. All I want to do is cry. So, definitely don't expect me to read anything or to post Therapy. 
          Goodbye everyone...