Fanks fanks a lot for following me no really I actually mean it and I ant lion!
Reading Lists
Hey everyone I need your help whoever can help me out because I'm starting a new chapter of my life on Wattpad and I'm not really into reading fransfic(just not as much into it anymore I will always ship it whenever the topic comes up and I will always love undertail just I just have a bad case of anime shipping fever,courtesy of natsu's flames!) as much anymore and I have way too many in my library and I need to make room for new ones so is there anyway that I can like select all the books in my library and move it to its own reading list so I can start a new list in my library?
Well if you really are that interested in learning at Japanese you don't have to pay for anything you can use Duolingo or you can look up like videos of lessons on YouTube I started out by just looking up songs for like the alphabet numbers and colors because that's what really helps me that's like the best method and then I used the thing called puni puni lessons on YouTube and then I switched to a series that has two girls and it's like their own show and I used it first to learn how to structure sentences so yeah enjoy talk to you soon
Fanks fanks a lot for following me no really I actually mean it and I ant lion!
Hey everyone I need your help whoever can help me out because I'm starting a new chapter of my life on Wattpad and I'm not really into reading fransfic(just not as much into it anymore I will always ship it whenever the topic comes up and I will always love undertail just I just have a bad case of anime shipping fever,courtesy of natsu's flames!) as much anymore and I have way too many in my library and I need to make room for new ones so is there anyway that I can like select all the books in my library and move it to its own reading list so I can start a new list in my library?
Well if you really are that interested in learning at Japanese you don't have to pay for anything you can use Duolingo or you can look up like videos of lessons on YouTube I started out by just looking up songs for like the alphabet numbers and colors because that's what really helps me that's like the best method and then I used the thing called puni puni lessons on YouTube and then I switched to a series that has two girls and it's like their own show and I used it first to learn how to structure sentences so yeah enjoy talk to you soon
Hope to see you around in the comments
No prob llama my dood! I hope we can get to be good friends I love how into the book(droplets of tims) you get it really reminds me of my old self from when I used to be on Wattpad like 24 seven but I've been taking a break for a while because I got into anime and doing guitar and learning Japanese and yeah never had time to do it and I always used to read frans fics, but now that I finished fairytail(The show and I read in the manga right now because there's a new series coming out and fall and I want to finish both mangas before thenwish me luck!) and Nora gummy for the second time! So I'll probably be reading somsome Nalu fan fics!and ya Tori. Definitely because it always finds a way to crawl back into my mind lately at since I finished watching it again
Was from one of my followers activity list and I read a little bit of it and it was like Dragon night and it was not still biting Lucy to like claim her and now I'm mad because I added it to my library I think but I did it by accident so I took it off but now I want to go back to that one but I can't find it all I remember/all I read was Lucy was in the bathtub taking a bath we're not who came in through the window and then like bit her neck, know if any of my Nalu fanfic read her followers know what book I'm talking about please send me a link to it or the name of it because I want to read that now that I'm done with the show but I might have to wait until after I finish reading the mango to read it sadly but I would love to read that book now so if anybody knows what what I'm talking about please please please pretty please with cherry on top actually now with a bunch of chocolate on top and then a cake on top please send me it(that's all for now but sorry if there's a grammar mistakes in here I'm using Siri because I needed to go on a little rant and needed to say a lot) hope my fam is doin alright! After I'm done with my to do list for reading manga s and finishing up anime series I'll be back to read some knowledge fanfics and yatori because it always comes back up in my head and I just finished re-watching the Nora gummy series again and it gave me the permanent reminder that I needed of how much I really love Nora Gami
Well I really haven't been on here in so long but lately I've been getting into anime and I just finally finished watching fairytale and now watching/reading the manga because of the new one that comes out and fall it took me two months to watch the anime and now I have one and a half months barely to read the whole manga , and it's equal hundred request and that's gonna be a bit hard since reading the book and less time that it took you to watch the movie it's kind of hard that's like having to reading the book in an hour and the movie takes two hour to watch,seems hard right?well that's what I was again it will still be hard but on the bright side it could be a little bit easier now because when you're watching the show you have to wait for them to stop talking because they always talk at a certain speed but when you're reading it you can read their dialogue faster than they can speak it in the anime so yeah but I just went through my whole activity thing here on Wattpad, because before starting to watch fairytale which was recommended to me by a friend I asked my friend about a certain anime where there is like a dragon slayer and so I name Lucy and she said that was very tail and I only brought that up because there was a book I read will not really red but clicked on here in Wattpad because it
okee I'm bak, if only for a min or 2.but I was thinkin "HEY!! I should check up on my fam that helped me in the beginning,...myyy WATTPAD FAMILY!!" so I would be so happy to here how all of u guys r doin and wat you've been up to, hows school, u r feeling okay?stressed about something?'watt' books have u been reading, realife and wattpad, r u doin something exciting soon, or have u done something exciting recently? well I'll answer for me, to make it fair, in January, I started watching Noragami, and the 5 yen coin was cool for me since I collect foregn coins, so I then though I cood collect some, and on top of that.... learn Japanese! ive always wanted to learn a language like that,. okay ,if u ahave any questions for me, put em in the comments, ill be checking here as much as possible starting Saturday wen I (hopefully, unless I do something "bad" again before then) get my electronics back, whether it be about my life, how I'm doing, or about me self-teaching myself Japanese, since I'm crunched on time, cuz I'm g ma cood drive up the drive way at any moment now, I gtg, but know I love each and every one of u guys,whether its for remembering me from the past and mentioning me in books or tags, or just taking the time to say hey to me once in a while, or for wat u have all done to help me become the true me I am today,:weird , punny, and a better person!so for old times sake... thx u guys so much so much for reading, it means so much to me that u take the time to listen to wat I have to say, and i will c all u my doods... IN THE NEXT POST! adios my doods,sayonara(that's Japanese for goodbye!)
hey guys(no I'm fine, just don't feel like saying my usual), I got in trouble... and before u think it, no not with the law with something worse... ... .. . ...my grandma! but don't worry, I'm fine...fro the most part. I have been without my electronics for ,hmm I cant even member,a week I think. and right now I'm on my computer,(cuz no one is hoem)and I'm just checking up with my best friend ,liam,and my friends,...no.my family over in UTAU amino,LUV U GUYS!!hope u get this, I txted my friedns and thought..hm I'm checking up with people I haven't talked with in either weeks, a week, or a monthor so,...then I thought"HEY!i shouk, oh gtg , gpa is homw
Can someone PLEASE tell me how I can read the noragami manga?
@xXGuresuXx it's kool,and yeah I found out,I downloaded it and soon I'll be starting to watch blue exorcist,I'm so excited and thx Gure
@xBlooSaber try using manga sites or apps, I use MangaRock to read my mangas. Anddddd this is so late ahahah XD
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