
I've been wanting to update and publish stories, and I know I haven't done that yet even though I'm trying. I still have to get past the writer's block and explore creativity again, so I'm trying and digging through ideas. It's just once I sit down, I lose all focus and can't even write! 
          	I went through old stories I wrote and found Our Love Story. I don't know if I ever posted that one or not, it looks like I wrote a few chapters, so I am reviewing them and publishing them as I go. I don't know if this one is based off a manga, probably is but I wouldn't know what manga being that I didn't see anything specifying it. If you all read it and think it is is similar to a manga, just know that most likely, the idea of this book probably came from it! I do have original books planned but again, I just need to overcome this block and get back into this! (^_^) In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy this new/old story!


I've been wanting to update and publish stories, and I know I haven't done that yet even though I'm trying. I still have to get past the writer's block and explore creativity again, so I'm trying and digging through ideas. It's just once I sit down, I lose all focus and can't even write! 
          I went through old stories I wrote and found Our Love Story. I don't know if I ever posted that one or not, it looks like I wrote a few chapters, so I am reviewing them and publishing them as I go. I don't know if this one is based off a manga, probably is but I wouldn't know what manga being that I didn't see anything specifying it. If you all read it and think it is is similar to a manga, just know that most likely, the idea of this book probably came from it! I do have original books planned but again, I just need to overcome this block and get back into this! (^_^) In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy this new/old story!


I have been trying to figure out with what story I wanted to continue on with. Again, there are some I have decided to completely delete. In the end, I started working on Reaching You, however, even as I scanned to try and remember where I was going with it and continue with here I left off, I couldn't really come up with anything or continue. I'm still working on Reaching You but I'm planning to start new and fresh with it. Reason for is that I know a lot of my stories tied closely to what inspired me to write them, and I know were poorly written or sometimes didn't tie well together because I did exactly as I have tried to do now, continue where I left off and forgetting details I had put in it. I hope you all understand and support me in this! Trust me, as I said last time, I want to make my stories better, all around, and claim them more as mine, rather than exact copies of the original stories they're inspired by with similar events or circumstances. They're still inspired by the stories, with similarities but I'll also try my best to take it in my own direction while I have other stories planned that are 100% original! I hope you all look forward to them :)


@xDancingRose :( that s why i couldnt see Reaching You on your pub works.but i hope you are doing fine


I know I have been MIA for quiet a while now. Unexpectedly back because of me streaming on Twitch now and a certain someone found me here and reminded of my Wattpad o.o I decided to also come back here now and work on writing again as it is a passion of mine and I still wanna do it. I think it's time I climb over this writer's block and keep going. If anyone noticed my stories are all but gone, well there are reasons. I'll be working on them again, refine them and make them matter. Some I'll try to keep close to as I had them, others I will be deleting, while others I'll be rewriting my whole plot (mostly the ones that had a chapter or two or were still saved as drafts). 
          For any who still follow my stories and stuck with me, thank you. I hope to improve and become active on here again, posting as often as I can as I work a schedule to juggle this, streaming, and just daily life as I plan to go back to school. For a while I was down in a gutter, but I'm slowly pulling myself out of that and looking to continue what made me happy, this being one of them! Please look forward to the new works, edited works, and the stories I had planned that I always wanted to write and share with all of you! I'll work my hardest to get back into this and posting one story at a time, one chapter at a time! :)


@LuvSailorMercury Thank you ^_^ Glad to be back!


@xDancingRose Welcome back oneechan ❤️


Quite* dang phone >.> Well should have proof read this message...




@RebellionLord Ohayo ^^ Nice to meet you :)


My updates are going to become a bit slower now. For certain reasons I won't be able to get on as much as I am able to now. Hopefully when things clear up, I can get on more. I'm disappointed knowing I won't be able to update as much as I was able to lately. I was actually quite proud of myself for updating as often as I was. I really wanted to keep updating all my books for everyone because I know many has waited for updates for a long time and they were enjoying my books and I wanted to get back to updating often for everyone. But my updates are going to be slower now >.< Soon though I hope to get back to updating regularly! I'll try my best to get back to that! Thank you for your patience!