


@SkinnyLuv  @xanonamas97x there is this boy on here that helped me out. I had the biggest crush on him.. I left for a week and came back to see his account got deleted. He helped me through everything. I cant find something else. Ive already tried.


<3 <3 You'll be okay. I've had special people disappear on me too before. You'll find your way back to each other if your meant to just like xanonamas97x said. Just hang in there.


What was his name? Do you have any other way of finding him, like fb or other websites? Also there will be other things that can help... Yeah it's hard to forget about someone you love... Trust me I never can forget about a certain someone but I just can't talk to them anymore, and they've gone off with someone who is known as a 'slag'... :L. Promise though, if it's meant to be, you will find a way back to each other, people always do! Just keep your head up, and please don't let things bring you down. You're beautiful, and you should feel it! xx



xanonamas97x is right. Find something that you love to do. I promise with all my heart it helps.


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You don't need be sorry to us huni. Please just think before you do anything silly. Yeah life can be tough on you, god knows how much shit I've gone through, but it's got better. I've used horses to help me out. Find something hat you love, it really helps xx


Goodbye all <|3


Please don't do this... I've been to that point many times and trust me... I know how bad it gets, but things will get better they always do, you just have to wait for the storm to stop to see the rainbow! Xx


Sometime in our life's we are forgotten.  I have been forgotten more than enough times.  But now it's time that I want to be forgotten.  I'm going,  I don't want you to be sad most of you don't know me so it won't be a big deal.  But for those of you who do know me,  don't be sad,  be happy that I moved on to a better place.  :)