
Good morning readers! How is everyone doing? Chapter 4-5 of racing hearts is out now. I decided to post them early.  So enjoy and happy reading everyone.:)


If anyone hadn't catch my Announcement   to my other post. I just wanted let you know that my new book Racing Heart  is coming out tomorrow. The first chapter will be posted. So please keep your out for the my lovely peeps.  I can't for you all to read.


Hello my lovely peeps. I'm sorry I haven't been around to post any chapter for  bitten story Bitten. But I've been taking a break from  that story. As much as I love that story. My  head starting to hurt lol. Anyway I'm so excited to  announce  I'm  working on a  new project  that will be out  this Friday. So stay tune. It's going to to cross the finish line before you know it;)


Vote for vote??


@dlife4327 Thank you so much! I'm so sorry I didn't get back to you right away. I was at my cousins wedding and I just got back yesterday.  I'll get on it right now.:)