
I'm really sorry for disappointing you, but there was a very big reason why I left Quizilla. Unfortunately, I had really lost all ambition to write Walter Boys. I was sick of it, and posting even one chapter was a chore for me. It started taking me longer and longer to post.Truthfully, I was going to rushing through the ending just to get it done. 
          Then someone told me about Wattpad and I began posting my story here. I haven't written a new chapter for Walter Boys in a long time, but Wattpad has helped me edit the story and change the bad things about it. I also feel like I have new energy to finish the story and give it a better ending then I was going to on quizilla. It will be longer, and it will make more sense and I think it will leave readers happier then what the Quizilla version would have. 
          It's not as if I have completely abandoned my work. There have been tons of authors on Quizilla who completely vanish and you never get to read the end of their story. Mne will not be like that. 
          I will finished Walter Boys. No it won't be on Quizilla, and no you won't get to read it right away and for that I am sorry. But if you are willing to stick with me you will get to read it. I have been uploading very fast. I also have a lot of new work that I have been posting which I would like to think it better then Walter Boys if you want to check that out. 
          Sorry, but thanks for taking the time to message me.